The Target Consultant Pool are experienced Professionals with specialised domain expertise & a track record of delivering Regulatory Change. This will be achieved by our 5 generic Job Roles for Recruitment which integrate into the Mantras 9 Delivery Framework.
1.Regulatory Business Analyst –
Key focus will be on Supervisory interpretation (M1) and Regulatory Requirement (M2)
2. IT Business Analysts –
Understand Design Considerations (M3) and Functional Requirements (M4) based on clients existing Regulatory Platform/Architecture.
3. Developers (based on Skillset) –
Development hires will be specific to the skill set on existing/future state platform the client is aiming to delivery regulatory change on (M5) working with IT Business Analyst for clarification on functional requirements (M6) provided
4. QA Testers –
The quality assurance hires will require qualified experience working with delivery regulatory (M7) and signing off test cases with business teams for Regulatory Approval (M8)
5. Regulatory Project Managers –
Responsible for E2E Regulatory Delivery (M9) and support of ALL Mantras Charter (M1-M8)